What If … Gore had been President?

In the XB Cold Fingers song, “Sunbathing In Siberia,” (Listen / Try or Buy / Lyrics ) Al Gore I wrote,

“If Gore had been awarded the White House
he’d chain us to Kyoto, don’t ya see.
There’d be solar panels on the rooftops,
wind power, clean power, almost free.”

While the song is a tongue-in-cheek look at energy, climate change, and the election of 2000; what if Gore had been the 43rd President?

In this series of posts, I’ll explore this scenario in terms of what it would have meant for the Supreme Court, foreign policy and defense.

  • Who would Gore have appointed to the Supreme Court?
  • How would they have decided Citizens United and Florence v Burlington?
  • What about September 11 – would the 19 terrorists have been able to hijack 4 planes and crash two into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon?
  • If so, would we have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
  • If not, would we have gone to war in Iraq anyway?
  • And what about Iran? Israel? The Arab Spring?
  • And the economy here in the United States?

This next post in the series looks at the Supreme Court. Stay tuned.