Category Archives: Speculative Investing

Announcing the Popular Logistics Virtual Portfolio in Information Technology

Hot on the heels of the December 21, 2012 launch of the Popular Logistics Virtual Portfolio in Sustainable Energy, here, up 22.36%, I am announcing the launch of the Popular Logistics Virtual Portfolio in Information Technology. Roughly $1.0 million in Apple, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle.(Their investor relations pages are AppleGoogle, HPIBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle.)


Tech Virtual Portfolio
Item Stock Price Shares Total
1 Apple $446 2,242 $1,000,000
2 Google $795 1,258 $1,000,000
3 HP $17 59,559 $1,000,000
4 IBM $198 5,051 $1,000,000
5 Intel $20 50,000 $1,000,000
6 Microsoft $27 37,037 $1,000,000
7 Oracle $24 41,667 $1,000,000
total $7,000,000
Table 1. Acquisitions, Start of Business, 2/22/13

Generally speaking, here’s what I expect:

  • Apple, IBM: I expect to significantly outperform the Dow Jones and S&P 500.
  • Google: I expect to perform in line with the Dow Jones and S&P.
  • HP: An investment in HP is speculative. Whitman may turn the company around. The stock might wildly outperform the Dow & the S&P. As Gerstner might say, however, it’s hard to teach an elephant to dance. The stock may plummet.
  • Intel, Oracle, I don’t know enough to have an expectation.
  • Microsoft may become a leading indicator of the economy.  Thus, if the S&P does well, Microsoft may do better.

These are in table 2, below

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