Tag Archives: Arabs

Mandela, Ben Gurion, Roosevelt & Churchill or Mandela, Mao, Castro, & Arafat?

www.wireimage.com (web site)

“In real life we deal, not with gods, but with ordinary humans like ourselves: men and women who are full of contradictions, who are stable and fickle, strong and weak, famous and infamous.” – Nelson Mandela

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John McCain, Sunnis and Shiites

Senator John McCain touts his foreign policy experience, yet he doesn’t know the difference between the Sunnis and the Shiites in Iraq and Iran. Sunnis are a majority in the Arab and Muslim world. Most of the Arabs, Turks, Kurds, and Iranians are Sunni. Turks, Kurds, and Iranians are not Arabs. Iraqis are Arabs, and most are Shiite.
Not knowing the difference is kind of like not knowing the difference between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland. Or Baptists, Catholics, Episcopalians, and Mormans in the United States. Or Puerto Ricans, Italians, and Irish Catholics in Brooklyn.

(Note – this blog is generally more about Policy than Politics

. However, the two are inseparable, and people who would make and enforce Policy

, i.e., Presidents of the United States, must understand Politics .)