Navy proposes consolidation of helicopter fleet

David Axe reports that the navy is considering reducing the number of helicopter models in service from at least seven to two. (Our minimum number was derived by carefully reading Axe’s piece). This, of course, is very sensible in terms of procurement policy – and, things being what they are – sometimes not politically possible.

Axe makes the case that the two proposed pieces might not suffice, but would if a third, higher-capacity and longer-range model were added.

For those not familiar with his work – I read Axe’s work in Danger Room

and his personal blog, War is Boring – Axe is routinely insightful and original on matters military; and making connections that I find quite helpful and illuminating. (And an excellent cartoonist and artist).

Like crossing S.L.A. Marshall

(I’m thinking here of The Soldier’s Load, rather than his more controversial work) with Malcolm Gladwell and Scott McCloud .