Largest American PV Solar Array

The largest solar array in the United States? (via

The largest solar array in the United States? (via

Wired – that is, editor Noah Schachtman – has identified what is, apparently, the largest solar array currently in the United States. President Obama recently spoke there. Where is it? Read below the jump for more.

Nellis Air Force Base is the answer. From Noah Schachtman’s post at Wired,

Air Force Base Goes Solar; Nukes Next?. See also Schachtman’s May 2009 piece, Obama Shines Light on Air Force’s Super Solar Array.

North America’s largest solar energy plant just went online.  Not at some hippie commune or some high-minded company, looking to get into Al Gore’s good graces.  But at Nellis Air Force Base, just outside of Las Vegas.  The 140-acre, 15-megawatt plant is expected to save the base and the surrounding community about a million bucks a year.  And it’s just the “first step in a new initiative to host private alternative energy producers on its bases across the country,” according to Inside the Air Force .