Putin says Russia’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine is going according to plan …

So his plan is to:
- Decimate the Russian military, losing 12 generals and 7,000 to 15,000 soldiers IN THE FIRST MONTH1 and an estimated 80,000 killed or wounded as of August 8, 2022.2
- Unite Ukrainians and people all over the world behind President Zelenskyy and Ukraine.
- Create the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, with nearly 2 million refugees by 2 August, 2022. 3
- Isolate Russia politically and economically as companies from BP and Shell to McDonalds and organizations like PMI cease operations there,
- Unite NATO and push Finland and Sweden to apply for membership into the defensive alliance, and NATO to bring them in,
- Prompt Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova to request to join the EU, and the EU to respond favorably,
- Default on it’s sovereign debt for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918, by missing a $100 million interest payment on June 30, 2022,
- Kill 87,000 civilians in Mariupol, Euromaidan Press, here,
- Experiment on the effects of radioactive waste on humans by having soldiers dig trenches the nuclear exclusion zone around Chernobyl and sleep in them.
- Occupy nuclear power plants in Ukraine and use them to threaten Ukraine, Europe, and the United States.
- Strengthen Syria by hiring Syrian mercenaries.
- Strengthen Iran by buying military drones from them.
- Build Concentration Camps to hold, torture, and kill Ukrainians, see image above,
- Demonstrate that the Russian Army will wage “Total War,” attacking and killing civilians, refugees, children in hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, shopping malls, and nuclear power plants – that Russia is willing and able to commit war crimes.
Putin, a war criminal, a mini-Stalin and little Hitler.
1 CNBC, 3/23/22, https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/23/up-to-40000-russian-soldiers-killed-wounded-captured-or-mia-nato-says.html
2 US News, Paul Shinkman, “As Many as 80,000 Russian Forces Killed, Wounded in Ukraine: Pentagon”, 8 August, 2022, https://www.usnews.com/news/world-report/articles/2022-08-08/as-many-as-80-000-russian-forces-killed-wounded-in-ukraine-pentagon
3 Statistica.com, Estimated number of refugees from Ukraine in Europe and Asia since February 2022 as of August 11, 2022, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1312584/ukrainian-refugees-by-country/