Back in June, 2022, the Vogtle 3 and 4 reactors, not shown above, each 1.215 Gigawatts of nameplate capacity was pegged at $34 Billion, or $14 per watt, here.
Update: 25 May, 2023, Vogtle 3 online. Total cost estimated “close to $35 Billion, $14.4 per watt for the 2.43 GW reactors, AP News, here.
Update: 1 May, 2024, Vogtle 4 online, US Energy Information Administration, here.
$34 Billion would buy roughly 17 – 20 Gigawatts of wind capacity or 12 – 15 Gigawatts of solar capacity today.
In June, 2022, the reactors were scheduled to come online in September, 2022. However, on July 28, 2022, Darrell Proctor, writing in Powermag, here, a) the plants are still under construction, now expected to be completed in 2023.
Proctor also noted that the costs have risen by another $113.79 Million. (Georgia Power, Proctor explained, owns 45% of the plant. It’s share jumped $52 Million. $52 million is 45% of $113.79 Million.)
As noted in Power Engineering, here, planning for this plant started in 2005. Construction started in 2009 If it comes online in 2023, it will be 14 years old, if we start counting from the date construction started, and 18 years old from the date planning started.