Ukrainian forces are pushing Russian forces east, in retreat. Ukrainians are motivated to fight for their homes, their families, their lives. Russians with educations are motivated to flee Russia. Russian soldiers are motivated to fight by amount of stuff they can steal, the women and girls they can rape, the people they can execute, including their commanders.
Thus far:
- 100,000 Russian soldiers killed or wounded.
- 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians killed or wounded.
- Russia bombs hospitals, elementary schools, and apartment buildings, committing war crimes.
- Russian soldiers rape Ukrainian women and girls, committing war crimes.
- Russian soldiers torture and execute prisoners, committing war crimes.
- Russians forcibly move Ukrainians into Russia, committing war crimes.
- Russian soldiers loot Ukrainian homes of TVs, phones, cameras, refrigerators, …
- Ukrainians attack Russian forces, bomb bridges, Russian supply lines, committing war.
- Russia is being supported by China, India, buying their oil, and Iran selling them weapons.
- Ukraine is being supported by NATO.
- Ukrainian refugees, 2.5 million to 3 million people, mostly women and children, dream of going home.
- Russian refugees, 200,000 to 300,000 people, mostly men of military age running from the draft, know they will never go home.