President Biden on the 80th Anniversary, what was left unsaid

President Biden spoke eloquently in Normandy, remarks by President Biden on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, Normandy, France, honoring those who fought to free the world of the scourge of Nazism.  
However, I believe he should have added four (4) observations.  

1. The Nazis had two goals: world domination and the murder of all Jews.

2. The NAZIs failed at both.  

3. Putin of Russia was not there. But President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, a part of what was the Soviet Union, was there, with President Biden, French PM Macron, and others. The Soviet Union was allied to Nazi Germany in 1939 and joined in the September, 1939 invasion of Poland. The USSR switched sides when Nazi Germany attacked it in June, 1941. Long before they invaded Poland the Soviet Union occupied Ukraine. The Soviets killed an estimated 5 to 7 million people in Ukraine in the 1930’s, in what Ukrainians and their friends remember as the Holodmyr. We must not allow Ukraine to fall.  

4. The Nazis and their collaborators murdered six million out of the nine million Jews of Europe, six million out of the 18 million Jews globally. Two out of three of the Jews of Europe and one of the three of Jews globally. The Jewish people today are fighting an intractable foe. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis of Yemen and now Iraq, and their propaganda machine, all of which are essentially outposts of the empire of Iran. Just as we must not allow Ukraine to fall to Russia, we must not allow Israel to fall to Russia’s ally, Iran.