Category Archives: COP21

Industrialization in China: Side Effects can Kill


Airpocalypse Beijing.

副作用可以杀死 Fùzuòyòng kěyǐ shā sǐ Side Effects Can Kill

China, since 1947, has become an economic powerhouse. But back in 2007, National Geographic reported, here, on a World Health Organization, WHO, report,  that 656,000 people died in China in 2006 from air pollution. National Geographic also reported that polluted drinking water killed at the rate of 95,000 people per year in China in 2006.  In 2012, The Guardian reported, here, that in 2010, 1.2 million people died in China and North Korea from air pollution.


Side Effects can kill. 副作用可以杀死 Fùzuòyòng kěyǐ shā sǐ 

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COP 21 – the Future Began Yesterday


Earth, The Blue Marble, courtesy NASA

COP 21 is, perhaps, the most important international effort in history. It concluded with an agreement by 196 nations to limit CO2 emissions to hold global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Centigrade or 3.3 degrees Fahrenheit (NPR).

The only way to do this is to phase out fossil fuels, quickly, and replace them with efficient use of sustainable energy systems, i.e., solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and insulation.

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