Category Archives: Seismic issues

Earthquake Resistant Buildings

Randolph Jonsson, writing for Gizmag, reports on a new technique for making buildings resistant to seismic events.  Excerpted from Air Danshin creates airlift system to levitate houses during earthquakes:

When you live in a country as seismically active as Japan, thinking about earthquakes (and tsumanis) probably occupies a good deal of your time. Inventor Shoichi Sakamoto took it a step further. He decided to do something about it and invented a technology, remarkably simple in concept, to protect ho[slideshow id=97]mes from the devastating shaking – an airlift system capable of automatically raising and isolating the whole house until the temblor stops. Already deployed in nearly 90 sites across Japan, the system functions in a straightforward manner: the house is separated from its foundation by an expandable, sliding air chamber. The instant a quake is detected  (within .5 – 1XYZ second), air from a storage tank fills the chamber and lifts the entire structure up to 1.18 inch (3 cm) and keeps it there until a sensor detects the shaking has stopped. Emergency batteries are provided to ensure the system stays functional in the likely event of power-loss. Air Danshin claims that its system (see one of Sakamoto’s patent applications here) is about a third the cost of other seismic isolation systems. Apparently it’s also designed larger versions suitable for facilities such as factories and laboratories. Unfortunately, there was no mention of plans to protect nuclear power plants, but there’s always hope.




Tens of thousands flee southern Chile's coast after magnitude 7.1 earthquake | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press, via The Guardian:

Tens of thousands flee southern Chile’s coast after magnitude 7.1 earthquakeNo immediate reports of deaths as people flee for higher ground in fear of tsunami similar to one that ravaged coastline last year o o Share91 o Reddit o Buzz up Associated Press in Santiago The Guardian, Monday 3 January 2011 Article historyA magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook southern Chile yesterday, sending thousands fleeing for higher ground in fear of a tsunami like that which ravaged the coastline last year. There were no immediate reports of deaths or damage, and Vicente Nunez, head of the National Emergency Office, said no tsunami alert was issued.The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii also said no destructive Pacific Ocean-wide tsunami was expected.Some mobile phone aerials and electrical power were knocked out in the Araucania region where the quake was centred, 370 miles 595km south-southwest of the capital, Santiago.

via Tens of thousands flee southern Chile’s coast after magnitude 7.1 earthquake | World news | The Guardian.

Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table

Via Pruned: At the University of California San Diego, (UCSD) the NEES program (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation )

has built a very large “shake table.” From NEES/UCSD:

The UCSD LHP Outdoor Shake Table is being developed at the Field Station at Camp Elliott, a site located 15km away from the main UCSD campus. The shake table, acting in combination with equipment and facilities separately funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), which include a large laminar soil shear box and two refillable soil pits, will result in a one-of-a-kind worldwide seismic testing facility. Continue reading