Category Archives: US Government

The Art of Gerrymandering – Part III

The State of Gerrymandering in these United States

1. The State of Gerrymandering in these United States

In our last post, we wrote about how to compute the Gerrymander Index of shapes, including Congressional districts. Since then we’ve fetched the U. S. Census Bureau tl_2014_us_cd114 Esri shapefile data set of the 435 Congressional Districts for the current 114th Congress, which includes the nine non-voting districts that send delegates to Congress. If you are terminally curious, download the comma-separated value text file of our results, based on Census Bureau dataset. We’re not going to discuss all 444 maps; restricting our attention to the best and the worst, the state of gerrymandering in these United States, and how the States of California and Texas are gerrymandering these days.

Of the four hundred forty four records in tl_2014_us_cd114, the most gerrymandered district is North Carolina Congressional District 12, with a Gerrymander Index of 0.0291, this based on its cartographic boundary as defined in the Census Bureau shape file.

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The Art of Gerrymandering – Part II


1. Four units of rope make a square, one unit on a side, and encompasses an area of 1 square unit.

Suppose you had a piece of rope. Your aim is to encompass as much area as possible. The rope doesn’t stretch or shrink, nor break no matter how hard it’s pulled – it’s good rope. Could be made out of cytoplastic nanotubes or something.

No matter if you measure your rope in inches, miles or centimeters. Just invent a fiat measure defined as one quarter of the length of the rope, then stake out a square. Each side is one unit and the square’s perimeter is four units. The square’s area is the square of a side: 1 unit × 1 unit = 1 unit2.

That’s all well and good, but are we encompassing the most area that we can with this rope? A regular octagon suggests otherwise:

gerrymander one

2. Four units of rope also make a regular octagon, 1/2 unit to a side. In this case, the same amount of rope encloses 1.207 square units, a bit more than 1/5th additional area beyond that of a square.

For the same amount of rope, a regular octagon encompasses a little more than 1.20711 times the area encompassed by a square.

We arrived at this regular octagon by applying a modification rule to the square: we halved the sides, doubled their number and made all the interior angles the same. That gave us a polygon that encompassed more area than the square for the same perimeter, four units.

Gerrymander Three

3. Four units of rope also make a regular hexadecagon, 1/4 unit to a side, with sixteen sides equalling four units of rope. In this case, the same amount of rope encloses 1.256 square units, a wee bit better than that of an octagon.

Halving the length of the sides yet again, increasing their number by two, gives rise to a hexadecagon which encompasses an even greater area: 1.256 square units surrounded by four units of rope, divided into 16 sides of one quarter unit each.

You can see where this goes – as the number of sides increase, the regular polygon more nearly approximates a circle. So, by the miracle of calculus, we magically increase the number of sides up through a regular myriagon (10,000 sides) past the regular apeirogon (an countable infinity of sides) arriving at the limit figure: the circle, which encompasses the largest possible area for a given perimeter: about 1.27324 square units for a rope four units long.

gerrymander four

4. A circle with a radius of 2 over pi has a perimeter of four units and an area of 4 over pi, about 1.27324. Compare this to the unit square with a perimeter of the same length, but which only has an area of one unit square.

This is the essence of the Gerrymander Index (GI): any perimeter P of a given shape S that encompasses a particular area Ap, also encompasses a circle with the maximum possible area, Ac. The Gerrymander Index for that particular shape S with perimeter P is then:

[pmath size=12]GI_P = A_p/A_c[/pmath]

The Gerrymander Index is a computable property of a particular shape. It is a unitless measure arising from a ratio of areas and compares a shape’s area with that of the circle whose circumference equals the shape’s perimeter. When the shape is that circle, the Gerrymander Index is one, the ideal. Line segments, which do not have interior areas, have Gerrymander Indices of zero. All shapes that encompass some interior area, but are not circles, have Gerrymander Indices that fall somewhere between one (circle-like) and zero (line-like).

The Gerrymander Index is independent of size. The index compares the area of a shape relative to that of the circle with an equal perimeter, hence they “scale together.” We may compare Gerrymander Indices of huge, rural Congressional districts with block-sized urban districts without getting into apples-versus-oranges side debates on whether size matters.

To get a feel for this index, consider our unit square. It has a Gerrymander Index of 1.00000 (Ap) divided by 1.27324 (Ac): GIsquare = 0.785398. Most people would think of a square Congressional district as not being especially gerrymandered, so a GI of 0.7 – 0.8 can be considered “quite decent.”

The regular octagon with a perimeter of four units and area of 1.20711 square units has a Gerrymander index of 1.20711 divided by 1.27324, or 0.94806 – very nearly circular and probably too good to be seen much in the real world. The regular hexadecagon weighs in with a Gerrymander Index of 1.25684 ÷ 1.27324 = 0.98712 – a hair shy of a circle and too good to be true.

Gerrymander Five

5. A tiny bridge connects two shapes with original GerryMander indices of about 0.98, but the index for the combined shape plummets to 0.507.

Conversely, we can combine a couple of shapes, each with a pretty good Gerrymander Index, into one that doesn’t have a particularly great index. The two circular regions in Illustration 5 on their own have Gerrymander Indices of 0.98. The tiny connection bridge linking them gives rise to an overall “dumb-bell” shape with a Gerrymander Index of just 0.507.

How does the Gerrymander Index fit in with the Great National Discourse, at least insofar as Congressional Districts are concerned?

Justin Levitt, on the faculty of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, furnishes us with a summary table of the criteria that various state level redistricting organizations follow. Thirty seven states include some sort of “compactness” guideline, but as Prof. Levitt points out, the precise meaning of “compactness” is often wanting, with definitions using language that the shape should be “regular” or that voters in a district should “live close together” or not be “far-flung.” This kind of language wanders around the concept of a numerical index, but doesn’t hit it on the head, leaving quite a bit of interpretive play. Different observers of a particular Congressional district may form different impressions of how “compact” that district is.

In contrast, the GI injects a hard number, one based solely on the geometry of a Congressional District. It enables us to discuss how much a particular district is like a circle. One is not obliged to consider the various political forces that caused a district to be shaped in a particular way. One only needs to apply a technique – taking a ratio of two areas, one that the perimeter encompasses, the other that a circle with an equivalent perimeter encompasses.

A hard number such as the Gerrymander Index allows us to consider particular thresholds. We might argue, for example, that any proposed district with a Gerrymander Index below 0.03 be disallowed as “too contorted”. Of course, that threshold is subject to debate and should be debated. We just wish to point out that at this juncture, the Gerrymander Index makes such a debate possible, as it is a concrete property of the shape.

Alternatively, we can set a threshold on the downward change in the Gerrymander Index from one re-districting effort to the next. Illustration 5 makes the point visually. Two districts with quite excellent GI’s of 0.98 are combined to produce a new district with a GI of 0.507, a downward plunge of 0.473. What if downward changes in GI were limited to a threshold of 0.2, while upward changes in any measure would be allowed? Such a policy would grandfather badly drawn districts initially, but over time, with significant GI drops disallowed, Congressional districts would all tend to compactness, with higher GI indices becoming the norm.

A word of caution is in order. The Gerrymander Index stems from the length of a shape’s perimeter. That comes from a map. To what precision is a map measured? The astute will now recognize that we teeter on the edge of the coastline paradox, attributed by Benoit Mandelbrot to mathematician Lewis Fry Richardson.

Two maps of the State of New York, each published by the U. S. government, illustrate the paradox.

The State of New York as published by the Census Bureau (tan) in mapset "tl_2014_state" Overlaid in turquoise, the State of New York as published by the National Weather Service in "mapset s_16de14". The inclusion of shoreline data causes the GI to plunge from 0.291 to 0.055.

6. The State of New York as published by the Census Bureau (tan) in mapset “tl_2014_state” Overlaid in turquoise, the State of New York as published by the National Weather Service in “mapset s_16de14”. The inclusion of shoreline data causes the GI to plunge from 0.291 to 0.055.

The Census Bureau clearly documents that their maps are for display and illustration. They deliberately simplify coastlines along large bodies of water, though political borders are carefully drawn.

For our purposes, this illustration reminds us that we cannot talk or write about Gerrymander Indices in isolation. The index is absolutely keyed to the map from which it is calculated, and in honest debate, the source of maps must always be mentioned.

As remarked in our second technical note, we use the Census Bureau map sets because those are the ones from which Congressional Districts have been published. As it so happens, the pruning of complex coastlines usually put Congressional districts in a more favorable light. For example, the 1st Congressional District of New York, currently occupying the eastern third of Long Island, would be “naturally gerrymandered” by the North and South Forks, the tiny islands between the two, and the barrier islands running along the south shore. The simplifications applied in the Census Bureau maps omits those details from the map.

So long as we are clear that we ground our Gerrymander Index on this particular map set, and agree that Census Bureau modifications serve technical purposes only, there should be no cause for “apples v. oranges” debates. Though in the polarized atmospheres that encompass much 21st Century political discourse, such an agreement could be hard to obtain in practice.

Next and Last Part: Some of our favorite Gerrymanders.

Technical Note 1: Isoperimetric Index

The Gerrymander Index is not entirely original with this author. Dr. James Case presented a similar formulation in the SIAM Journal in 2007, and his sources trace the technique back to ancient Greece, so even Pythagoreans had some notion of a gerrymandering index.

Case reports on a unitless measure arising from a ratio of areas, but for the numerator he takes the area formed by the length of a shape’s perimeter, Pand compares this with the area 4πAp, the denominator, with Ap equal to the area of the shape encompassed by P. If P happens to be circular, then the value P2 will equal 4πAp, the numerator and denominator have the same value and the ratio of the two areas becomes one.  This arises from the relation that couples a circle’s circumference (perimeter) to its area: A =πr2; P = 2πr; P2 = 4π2r2; P2 = 4π(πr2); P2 = 4πA. Thus, the ideal in Dr. Case’s “isoperimetric index” is identical to the Gerrymander Index: unity.

The usual non-circular case may be reached by holding Ap constant and pulling, pushing and twisting the perimeter P out of round so that it grows in length, encompassing the fixed area Ap less and less efficiently. It becomes more contorted and “longer,”  leaving P2 > 4πA, the isoperimetric index exceeding one.

The isoperimetric index behaves somewhat like the inverse of the Gerrymander Index, reporting divergence from the circular ideal with ever-larger numbers. This is a technical difference. Conceptually, it too is a hard number and enters into the Great Discourse the same way that the Gerrymander Index does: injecting numeric precision into a debate that suffers from fuzziness.

Technical Note 2: The Area of Arbitrary-Shaped Closed Polygons

Few shapes in the real world, Congressional Districts included, come with neat formulae that give exact areas; the world is fractal. So how does one deal with the realities of Illinois Congressional District #4?

Computational geometry gives us one method that does not constrain us too much, so long as we limit ourselves to closed polygons with sides only consisting of line segments and which do not self-intersect. That is, our polygon lays “flat” on a surface without any part of it folding over any other part. When the shape does not self-intersect, it may be stretched topologically into a circle. If reshaping entails one or more holes, like a doughnut, then the shape has intersected itself. Barring that, and with only line segments for sides, a shape may be otherwise arbitrarily convoluted.

This is the kernel operation. It produces an area fragment, Aj: , corresponding to adjacent vertices (xj, yj) and (xj+1, yj+1):

[pmath]({x_j}{y_{j+1}} – {y_j}{x_{j+1}})/2[/pmath]

The kernel operation works on pairs of adjacent vertices, j and j+1. We start with vertex zero and one, apply the kernel operation, go on to vertex one and two, apply the kernel operation, and so on, until we come to the final pair, which is the very last vertex paired with the very first. We add up the area fragments and take the absolute value of the sum. This gives us the area of the arbitrary polygon. The absolute value operation disguises the fact that walking counterclockwise around a polygon calculates a negative area. This may unsettle the casual reader. Negative areas have their uses but we’ll put such aside and just take the absolute value of the numerator.

Gerrymander Six

6. The area of an arbitrary polygon arises from a sum of “area fragments”, each composed from pairs of adjacent vertices.

Usually, polygonal datasets for congressional districts consist of thousands to tens of thousands of vertices, making this effort a bit tedious for paper-and-pencil work. That’s what computers are for.

Where do we get our data? The U. S. Census Bureau furnishes data on the shapes of 2013 Congressional districts in the form of Esri Shapefiles, which meet these criteria and are available to the public from the Census Bureau product page. With the exception of Minnesota, these shapefiles also describe the districts for the current 114th Congress. These files come in different resolutions to serve varying display purposes.  TIGER® (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing)/Line shapefiles are for high resolution work; they can get quite large. Cartographic Boundary shapefiles are light-weight, low-resolution versions of the Line files: quick to down-load, easy to render, but furnish only somewhat coarse approximations of a political boundary. We use the TIGER/Line files for Gerrymander Index computations.

What do we do with our data? Get a shapefile reader, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and do a bit of scripting for the Gerrymander math. For this series, we use the Python scripting language to do our math and Joel Howland’s pyshp module to interface with Esri Shapefiles. This is a lightweight approach for those accustomed to scripting. It’s how we made our pictures, too.

For those who just want to load and visualize, one needs GIS software. These too come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but none, at the moment, give readings on either isoperimetric or Gerrymander indices. High-end jobs like GRASS can take add-ons written in a variety of languages, so one could, in principle, add a Gerrymander Index calculator. GRASS is a world unto itself, however, so we didn’t go that route, wishing to finish this post before the century closed. There are also online communities centered on web-based geodata. Google Maps is the best known, and lets users integrate Shapefiles. Injecting custom calculators into the mix do not seem possible at the moment, but there is always the future.

Further Reading

  1. “James Case “Flagrant Gerrymandering: Help from the Isoperimetric Theorem?”” SIAM News, Volume 4 Number 9, November 2007

  2. H. R. 1347 (114th Congress, 2015-2017) John Tanner Fairness and Independence in Redistricting Act

  3. Justin Levitt All About Redistricting “Where are the lines drawn?”

The Art of Gerrymandering – Part I


The Original Gerry Mander

The Constitution tasks the House of Representatives with setting the number of U. S. citizens that its members may represent. The Apportionment Act of 1792 fixed the House of Representatives for the Third Congress at 105 members, one Representative for 33,000 constituents. The Census of 1790, first of its kind, found the young nation numbering around 3,900,000 individuals. For purposes of computing the ratio of representatives to those represented, slaves constituted three-fifths of a free person.

112 years on, 1901, roughly midway between the Constitution’s ratification and the present day, each Representative of the 57th Congress fielded the concerns of 213,000 people and carried a six-fold increase in “representational load” over his 1792 counterpart. The House then had 357 members representing around 76 million. Had the House stayed with its 1792 ratio of one Representative to 33,000 constituents, it would have had 2,303 members in 1901, far more than what the seating in the south wing of the Capitol building could accommodate.

114 years on, the 114th Congress finds a House of 435 voting members, a number which has been fixed since the Apportionment Act of 1911. These worthies now represent about 309 million, or roughly 710,000 citizens per Representative, a four-fold increase over the 1901 representational load and a twenty-four fold increase over that of 1792. At the original ratio, the House would have almost 9,364 members, a number making for a mad house – though some think it is anyway.

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Government Shutdown – Partial – OK, But What’s Next? Default?

Paul Krugman, PhD

Paul Krugman, PhD, Nobel Laureate

The House Republicans, led (or maybe followed) by John Boehner, R, Ohio, are ready to shut down the government in order to force President Obama to delay implementation of various components of the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare.”

They are not shutting down the entire government. The government will halt so-called “non-essential services.” The EPA, FDA, IRS help desk will be furloughed. This is precisely what Grover Norquist, Charles and David Koch and other big Republican donors want. It’s what they mean by “Starve the Beast.” Oddly enough the shutdown does not include Congress, which will remain in session, so our Representatives in the House and the Senate can continue to work, or at least draw paychecks. Continue reading

Gore & The Supreme Court

US Supreme Court, 2000

In the Election of 2000, Al Gore won the “Popular Vote” 50,999,897 to 50,456,002, 48.38% to 47.87%, by a margin of 543,895, or 0.51% of the vote. However, he lost Florida by 547 votes. Consequently Florida’s 25 Electoral College votes were awarded to Bush and Gore lost the election in the Electoral College 271 to 266 – by five votes. Had he won Florida votes he would also have won the Electoral College Vote, but the Supreme Court intervened, ruled that there was no time for a recount, (see wikipedia entry, here) therefore George W. Bush had won in Florida, and that Mr. Bush, therefore, was elected President by the Electoral College. But what if Gore had won a decisive majority in the Electoral College? What if our elections were determined by the popular vote? What if the election of 2000 had been called for Gore?  (Source: Federal Election Commission, FEC, Presidential Election, 2000, Official Results.

What kind of jurists would a President Gore have appointed to the Supreme Court?

Presidents tend to appoint justices who agree with them on political philosophy. Notable exceptions were Warren Burger, appointed by President Eisenhower, and David Souter, appointed by President G. H. W. Bush.

George W Bush appointed Samuel Alito and John Roberts, to the Supreme Court. These men typically join with Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas, and they typically find in favor of corporations and the government rather than individual citizens.

Bill Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. They typically find in favor over individuals rather than corporations or the government. Barack Obama appointed Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, who typically agree with Breyer and Ginsburg. Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor have occasionally forged majorities with Kennedy and Roberts.

As President, Al Gore would have probably have appointed jurists like Kagan and Sotomayor who tend to find in agreement with Ginsburg and Breyer. He might have appointed Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court. He probably would have appointed justices with a comprehensive understanding of environmental law and the reasons why we need tough protections on the environment.

We saw these patterns in the decisions on Citizens United and Florence v Burlington, described by me as “Landmark Mistakes of the Supreme Court” (here). These were decided by Chief Justice Roberts, and Associate Justices Alito, Kennedy, Scalia and Thomas in the majority and Associate Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan and Sotomayor in the minority.  The decision on the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” was made by Chief Justice Roberts, with Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor.

Justices appointed by a President Gore would probably have found in favor of Albert Florence, in Florence v Burlington, that the Fourth Amendment should be understood to bar strip-searches of people arrested for minor offenses not involving drugs or violence, unless officials had a reasonable suspicion that they were carrying contraband. In Citizens United, they probably would have found that citizens and groups may not spend unlimited amounts of money to influence the outcome of elections.

The practical implications those rulings – that police, after reading an apprehended suspect his or her rights in accord with the Miranda decision, can strip-search him or her, and that anyone and corporations can spend unlimited amounts to influence the outcome of elections, suggest that the (human) Citizens of the Republic would be better served with one or two more Justices who would tend to rule in favor of the rights and liberties of (human) citizens rather than the powers of corporations and the state.

In the recent decision on the Affordable Care Act, aka, “ObamaCare” judges appointed by a President Gore might have found, like Chief Justice Roberts, the law Constitutional under the taxing provision of the Constitution. On the other hand, they might have ruled that the laws establishing Medicare for Seniors, Medicaid for the poor, and the Veterans Health Administration must be expanded, because they are discriminatory against non-veterans who do not qualify for Medicare and Medicaid, and that these programs must be combined to create a “Citizens Health Administration” or “Medicare for All,” which would guarantee all Americans access to basic medical care.

Neither Presidents Clinton, Bush, or Obama, or any of the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court were reached in the preparation of this post.  Observations by current or former Presidents, Justices of the Supreme Court or justices in other courts would be welcome.

As an analyst with Popular Logistics, I am available for research and analysis on a per project or a per diem basis. I can be reached at ‘L Furman 97” @ G Mail . com.

What If … Gore had been President?

In the XB Cold Fingers song, “Sunbathing In Siberia,” (Listen / Try or Buy / Lyrics ) Al Gore I wrote,

“If Gore had been awarded the White House
he’d chain us to Kyoto, don’t ya see.
There’d be solar panels on the rooftops,
wind power, clean power, almost free.”

While the song is a tongue-in-cheek look at energy, climate change, and the election of 2000; what if Gore had been the 43rd President?

In this series of posts, I’ll explore this scenario in terms of what it would have meant for the Supreme Court, foreign policy and defense.

  • Who would Gore have appointed to the Supreme Court?
  • How would they have decided Citizens United and Florence v Burlington?
  • What about September 11 – would the 19 terrorists have been able to hijack 4 planes and crash two into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon?
  • If so, would we have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
  • If not, would we have gone to war in Iraq anyway?
  • And what about Iran? Israel? The Arab Spring?
  • And the economy here in the United States?

This next post in the series looks at the Supreme Court. Stay tuned.

Justice Scalia on the Second Amendment

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin ScaliaJustice Antonin Scalia, interviewed on Fox News, talking about the July 20, 2012, massacre Aurora, Colorado, said,

Obviously the amendment does not apply to arms that cannot be hand carried. It’s to ‘keep and bear’ so it doesn’t apply to cannons but I suppose there are hand-held rocket launchers that can bring down airplanes that will have to be decided…. My starting point and probably my ending point will be what limitations are within the understood limitations that society had at the time.

The segment can be watched here, on YouTube. Continue reading

Fiscal Impropriety, Abuse of Power, Incompetence

The New York Times published three articles in one day about fiscal impropriety, abuse of power, or incompetence of the Bush Administration.

On the front page, James Risen writes “Army Overseer Tells of Ouster Over KBR Stir.” Charles Smith says he was fired from his job with the Army for refusing to approve paying more than $1 Billion to KBR after “Army auditors had determined that KBR lacked credible data or records for more than $1 billion.” Smith, an employee of the Army for 31 years, was quoted in The Times saying “the money going to KBR was money being taken away from the troops, and I wasn’t going to do that.” This is another case of firing the whistle-blower. As a patriot, it makes my blood boil.

According to Risen, the Pentagon has recently awarded KBR a 10 year, $150 Billion contract in Iraq, which indicates that we will be in Iraq for another 10 years.

Eric Lichtblau wrote “Grand Jury Said to Look at Attorneys’ Dismissals” that Justice Deptartment Prosecutors are using a grand jury to investigate criminal accusations that grew from the dismissals of nine United States attorneys. Some employees in the civil rights division of the Justice Department have said that they were given a “political litmus test.” The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Bradley Schlozman, acting head of the civil rights division may be the subject of a “grand jury referral” focusing on perjury charges. Schlozman admitted to Congress that he had bragged about his success in politicizing the Justice Department. Alberto Gonzales, the former Attorney General, may also have committed perjury in his testimony about wireless eavesdropping by the National Security Agency.

As a patriot, this too makes my blood boil. The Government of the United States has always been subordinate to The Law, not The Party. This is the United States, not Communist China, Soviet Russia, Baathist Syria, or Saddam’s Iraq.

The Times also carried Judge Backs “White House in Dispute over E-Mail” a story by the Associated Press reporting the decision, by Judge Coleen Kollar-Kotelly, that the White House Office of Administration is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. Since its creation, in 1978, the Office of Administration has responded to Freedom of Information requests. The White House has acknowledged problems with it’s e-mail system, while saying that any missing e-mail messages can be found on backup tapes. In a related matter, a judge is considering whether to instruct the Executive Office of the President on steps it must take to safeguard electronic messages. I am not a lawyer, however, I think that Judge Kollar-Kotelly is wrong. If she is making law, as a judicial activist, at least she is doing so legally.

These articles are reproduced below.

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