Tag Archives: Irwin Redlener

Popular Logistics' Recommendations for Surgeon General, Secretary of Homeland Security, and FEMA Chief

Popular Logistics recommends that President Obama appoint Dr. Irwin Redlener as Surgeon Irwin Redlener, M.D.General, William Bratton as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and Paul Maniscalco as the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. We know all three to be men of intelligence and integrity. All three have strong records of leadership and delivering excellent service. Dr. Redlener and Chiefs Maniscalco and Bratton set a standard against which any nominee could be measured.


We urge that in regard to positions with national responsibility for disaster preparedness, comparison with the outgoing administration’s appointees – some with no experience at all – is useless. We’ve identified three experts with decades of experience taking responsibility for creating services where none existed, making dysfunctional systems Paul Maniscalcowork, and leading adequate organizations to excellence. We have no reservation entrusting our safety and welfare to any of them; indeed, we’re confident that, if appointed, America’s disaster and health prospects will be substantially improved.

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