Tag Archives: Taxes

Nuclear Power, 2019. Why?

Vogtle 3 and 4, the first new nuclear reactors built in the United States in 30 years, are now 6 years late and estimated to cost $28 billion. (Taxpayer.net).  That is a cost overrun of $14 billion, 100% over the initial cost of $14 billion.  (Atlanta Journal Constitution, Power).

The 2.234 GW plants at Vogtle will cost $12.5 per watt, if there are no more overruns, plus the costs of fuel, security, maintenance, etc. Utility scale solar is under $2.00 per watt. Utility scale wind is estimated at $1.44 per watt for Ocean Wind, the 1.11 GW wind farm to be built 15 miles east of Atlantic City.
Neither solar nor wind require fuel or military security forces.  The money used to construct a 1 GW nuclear reactor could construct 6.5 GW of solar or 8.7 GW of wind. 
Rough Comparison of New Electricity Capacity Costs
Energy Price per watt Capacity for $12.5 B (GW)
Nuclear $12.50 1.00
Solar $2.00 6.25
Wind $1.44 8.70
Table 1
Why, given the cost of nuclear, the bankruptcy of Westinghouse, the dearth of young nuclear engineers, and the costs of wind and solar are we even thinking about, let along sinking $Billions of taxpayer dollars, in nuclear? 

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Can Anyone Really Create Jobs? Yes We Can!

FDR Follow LJF97 on Twitter Tweet Writing in the NY Times, Adam Davidson of Planet Money, asks “Can Politicians Really Create Jobs? Davidson says “No.”

But with all due respect to Mr. Davidson, as Barack – The Candidate – Obama said, “Yes, We Can!”

And yes, Presidential candidates can create jobs – presidential campaigns are staffed by people. So obviously, the President can create jobs. Anyone can. All it takes is a need for something to get done. Whether you do it yourself or you pay someone else to do it, it’s a job. So the real question for the President, the Presidential Candidates, our elected Representatives in Washington and in State and Local Government, and for us ourselves, is not “Can we create jobs?” The real question is “How do we create 10 or 15 million good new jobs?

Davidson talks about Keynes and the Chicagoans.

Chicagoans believe that economies can only truly recover on their own and that policy interventions only slow the recovery. It’s a puzzle of modern politics that Republicans have had electoral success with a policy that fundamentally asserts there is nothing the government can do to create jobs any time soon…. Romney, Perry, Herman Cain and the rest won’t come out and say, “If elected, I will tell you to wait this thing out.”

This is what Herbert Hoover said and why Franklin Delano Roosevelt won the election in 1932.

Instead, Republican candidates fill their jobs plans with Chicagoan ideas that have nothing to do with the current crisis, like permanent cuts in taxes and regulation. These policies may (or may not) make the economy healthier in 5 years or 10, but the immediate impact would require firing a large number of America’s roughly 23 million government workers.

What John Maynard Keynes said is less that “government can create jobs” but is more along the lines of

“in economic times such as these, when there is high unemployment because business will not hire people to create inventory that is likely to remain unsold, government is the only entity that has both the means and the will to create jobs.”

Less “government can” and more “Government Must!

What is our government, after all? Lincoln said it best:

– “Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

And there is much work to be done. We need to rebuild our infrastructure. This includes our crumbling current infrastructure of schools, roads, mass transit, etc. This will create jobs. We also know that domestic energy production peaked in 1971. International oil production seems to be peaking now, altho given the state of the world economy, and the state of infrastructure in Iran, Iraq, and Libya, the international peak may be a few years off. However, we should build a sustainable energy infrastructure. We will need it eventually. It is good for the environment, it will strengthen our economy and our state of national security. But rather than by using a simple program to provide loan guarantees to various corporations; the government should mandate that all government buildings should be well insulated, efficient, heated and cooled with geothermal, and powered with a mix of solar, wind, local hydro, biofuel (from waste, sewage, manure, etc., not food crops).

Just as police and courts exist to protect people from those who would point a gun at their heads and say “Your money or your life,” enforcement agencies must protect people from those who would discard toxic substances into the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the ground from which we farm.  We need to regulate banks and other financial firms. This too will create jobs. We need to provide health care to all our citizens, not just 5 out of 6, or 265 million out of 307 million, leaving 1 out of 6, or 45 out of 307 million without access to health care.

Davidson is wrong about one other thing. It’s not either go into debt to create jobs or fire people to cut taxes. Government has two sources of revenue: debt and taxes. It seems fair to me that a progressive tax policy, can be used to generate the revenues needed to pay for the jobs society needs to be done.  Wealth, after all, is not created in a vacuum. Wealth is created by people buying things that other people are selling. People want to buy Apple computers, music players, cell phones.  The people who design and build them get wealthy. The wealthy benefit by living in society; therefore demanding that all, including the wealthy, pay a fair share, as illustrated here, in my post on Progressive Tax Policy is fair, balanced, reasonable, and smart.

  • Over $100 Million, 57.5%. Plus 5.0% Social Security Insurance & Medicare.
  • Between $10 Million and $100 Million: 52.5%. Plus 5.0% SSI & M.
  • Between $5 Million and $10 Million: 42.5%. Plus 5.0% SSI & M.
  • Between $1 Million and $5 Million: 32.5%. Plus 5.0% SSI & M.
  • Between $100,000 and $1 Million: 22.5%. Plus 5.0% SSI & M.
  • Below $100,000: 17.5%. Plus 4.0% SSI & M.
  • Royalty income should be taxed at the same rates as wages and salary.
  • Income in the form of unsold stock options is tax-deferred and taxed when sold.
  • Inheritances of $1.0 million and under from a grandparent, parent, partner, or child should not be taxed. Inheritances from distant relatives, or that portion above $1.0 million should be taxed as indicated above.

So can anyone create jobs? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes, We Can!’

Mitt Romney: "Corporations are People"

Mitt Romney  Follow LJF97 on Twitter Tweet On the campaign trail in Iowa, Mitt Romney said, “Corporations are people.” (NY Times, Washington Post)

An argument can be made that Mr. Romney meant that corporations are composed of people, that they magnify the abilities of individuals. However, Ayn Rand might suggest that the candidate made a collectivist statement. Mr. Romney could also have meant that corporate profits eventually wind up in the pockets of investors like himself and Warren Buffett, and their heirs, like his children and Paris Hilton. However, that may be a nuance that may be lost in the political debate.

It could also be that Mr. Romney meant exactly what he said.

But what is closer to the truth, I think, is that corporations are legal mechanisms by which people use to limit their liability and to develop and protect their wealth.

In my courses at the Marlboro MBA in Managing for Sustainability, we discuss corporations as a “nexus of contracts.” That’s not really a definition of a person that a flesh and blood person, a person whos DNA is DNA would use.

People, that is flesh-and-blood-based people, DNA-based people can own corporations. Corporations can own other corporations. But neither people nor corporations can own people.

In “The Divine Right of Capital,” Marjorie Kelly (Amazon, EcoBooks) clearly describes why corporations ought not be considered “persons.”

But that’s not the only issue I have with Mr. Romney’s statements in Iowa.

Mr. Romney also said, “Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid account for about half of Federal Spending.” This seems to be factually incorrect. According to the Congressional Budget Office summarized on  Wikipedia, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid account for 43% of total federal spending, in fiscal year 2010. (Note that total defense spending is greater than the 20% reported in the figure because certain programs and agencies, such as the CIA, the NSA, and other defense and intelligence agencies are funded, in part, out of the “Discretionary” category.)

While $1.491 Trillion, 43%, is $350 Billion less than 50% of the budget of FY 2010, you could argue that Mr. Romney was exaggerating for effect, something politicians do. However, I imagine if we were to raise taxes to 50% on the wealthiest 1% of Americans, people with over, say, $50 Million, Mitt Romney has $284 Million, and say, “It’s only about 43%,” he would at the very least question our understanding of mathematics.

Mr. Romney also said, “You can raise taxes, that’s not the approach I would make.”

That is the approach I would take. As noted here, taxes are “The price we pay for civilization.” They are revenues raised by the people in governments to pay for the things they understand must be paid for; things like education, infrastructure, security. I would raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 per year. And raise them significantly on people, making more than $1,000,000 per year, whether they make their money as actively as salary, or passively as dividends, capital gains, or distributions from trust funds.

I make less.  A lot less. My expenses – my health insurance, the costs of food, fuel, etc., are going up.  My income, however, is going down. In “real” terms, as inflation is going up, and in actual numbers, as the bonus I used to be given have shrunk or been eliminated because of, it has been said, “the economic conditions faced by the firm.”

The government Lincoln defined as “Of the people, by the people, and for the people” needs money to pay its obligations. It needs money to build infrastructure. And as has been noted, Keynesian economic theory suggests that in an economic conditions such as we face only the government can be willing to act to create jobs. The government can only really raise money by borrowing it or by raising taxes. We should be developing government programs to shift the energy paradigm to clean, renewable, sustainable energy. It will create 2.4 Million jobs, directly cut unemployment from about 9.1% to about 7.3%, indirectly cut unemployment by another 1.0 to 2.0% and generally stimulate the economy in a terrific manner. (Click here).

As we have noted before, and will doubtless do again, Popular Logistics is a POLICY blog, not a POLITICS blog. However, we  do think about politics, at least occasionally.  And it appears to this blogger that Mr. Romney just lost the election. Whether he has lost to Mr. Obama or to one of the other Republicans remains to be seen.


Taxes – The Price We Pay For Civilization

“Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Neil Armstrong on the surface of the moon

Your Tax Dollars At Work, Courtesy NASA

Follow LJF97 on Twitter Tweet Taxes fund Medicare and Medicaid so the poor and the elderly can see a physician and get treatment when they are sick. Taxes fund education for our children and our neighbors children so they can grow up to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects,  accountants, teachers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, builders, actors, etc., so we can buy things that work properly, travel safely, enjoy life, so we can, in a word, thrive.  Taxes fund police, fire-fighting, defense, judicial and other services so we can be secure in our homes and our persons, so the innocent do not go to prison, so the guilty pay their debts to society, and so we, when we do foolish things, can compensate those we accidentally harm. Continue reading