addition to blogroll – Brad’s Sketchpad

Just came across the very clever blog, Brad’s Sketchpad,  which is not  connected to the  excellent  actor Brad Dourif, the funny Brad Garrett , or the city Brad, which is located in Romania.

It belongs to Brad Stone, a technology writer for the Times, my hometown paper. And he seems to be channeling Gary Larsen, the Far Side cartoonist. Or so it appears; my understanding was that the Times had a rule against cartoonists appearing in the newsroom, often misunderstood simply as a reluctance to publish Doonesbury or other cartoons. So maybe he’s just swiped the real Brad Stone’s identity. If so, watch the Times’ tech blog, Bits , for an interesting series on identity theft.

Not me, though. If I were going to be impersonating someone at the Times – and I could pull it off – Maureen Dowd. The Popular Logistics Board of Estimates has concluded that she’s probably having more fun than anyone else there. Like Rosalind Russell but without the hats.