Brownwashing Wind Power

PSEG, one of New Jersey’s electric utilities, and a member of  the consortium that is building Garden State Offshore Energy,  the 350 megawatt (MW) wind farm in the Atlantic, 18 miles south east of Atlantic City. Their ads on billboards, buses, etc., have a picture of an offshore wind farm,

Offshore Wind Farm

and copy that reads:

We’re putting these where they generate electricity, not controversy.

At PSE&G we’re pursuing the development of wind energy 17 miles from the New Jersey coast. Far offshore, where it won’t be an eyesore. This 350-megawatt wind farm will be virtually invisible from land. After all, our commitment to the environment is only matched by our commitment to the communities we serve. It’s just one of many renewable energy in consumer conservation programs we are developing. Our state has aggressive goals for reducing greenhouse gases and has passed legislation that recognizes the important role of utilities in meeting them. At PSEG., we welcome the challenge. We’ve long been dedicated to providing our customers with safe, reliable electric and gas service. Today were equally dedicated to promoting a sustainable energy future, and providing it. To learn more about what we are doing, and what you can do, visit

They seem to be saying “we know this stuff is ugly, but you won’t see it.” Do you think they may be trying to nudge the public – saying ‘look at this; it doesn’t really spoil the view.” Especially if you think about the alternatives – nuclear and fossil fuels.

At Popular Logistics we try to look under the hood. In this context, we look beyond the technology to what it does.  Wind turbines generate power without carbon dioxide, mercury, arsenic, radioactive wastes, and without coal mines, uranium mines, oil or gas wells.  They will create artificial reefs enhancing the environment. We see beauty in those turbines.

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