Wind Energy Generating Capacity – Doubling Every 4 Years

According to WorldWatch, Vital Signs, 2007-2008, in 2006 we had 74.2 GW of installed wind capacity and 8.6 GW of installed solar worldwide, and 370 GW of installed nuclear capacity. If we double the capacity of Wind and Solar twice we’ll be at 331.2 GW. Double it again, we’re at 662.4 GW. By the 4th doubling, we’re at 1.325 terawatts.

Offshore Wind

According to the Global Wind Energy Council, installed wind power is doubling every 3 or 4 years – from 74 GW in at the end of 2006, to 120 GW in 12/08 to 322 in Dec. 2013. The rate will slow slightly – wind capacity will increase “a modest” 22% per year, which is modest compared to the increase of 28% per year over the last 10 years. Installed wind powered electric generating capacity will double in less than 4 years (see: Global wind energy markets will continue to boom, March 11, 2009), and quadruple within 7 years.