Health Care

If it is right for the government to distribute flu vaccine, and try to stop smallpox, malaria, other epidemics, then it is right for the government to institute a national health care plan – “Single Payer” or “Medicare for All,” or “The Public Option


Everybody knows this. President Obama knows it, President Bush and Senator McCain knew it. Bush and McCain said “We have a ‘National Health Care Plan’ – Anyone can go to the emergency room.” The problem with this approach is that it’s inefficient, illogical and expensive. The emergency room is the best place to reset a broken arm, however, it’s simply not the place for treatment if you have diabetes, cancer, or a heart condition. It’s the Emergency Room, not the Chronic Illness Clinic . That’s why we need “Single Payer,” “Medicare for all,” or “The Public Option.”

Patrick Henry once said “Give me liberty or give me death.” Without health care we face bankruptcy or death. Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson,  John Adams, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, all would support Medicare for All.