119 Researched GTD Software Programs and Counting

Priacta.com has, at least for the last eight months or so, maintained a list of GTD (an abbreviation of “Getting Things Done” and near-GTD-compliant applications – searchable/sortable, by OS, price, and each accompanied with a very concise description of the critical characteristics of each application.  119 Researched GTD Software Programs and Counting.(For instance – for GTD to work,one needs to be able to sort by context (I do this task at home, or can do it from anywhere with WiFi access, or need to do this at the office,  library, etc.; similarly, if one has many tasks – they’ll be associated witj “projects” – any goal or project with multiple tasks required for completion. It’s also nice to be able to sort by client or contact – so that, in preparing for a client or subcontractor discussion – one can easily pull up everything associated with that person – and perhaps convey the impression of being on top of things. (If you’re lucky, you’ll start believing it and start playing the role more consistently)).

If you’re looking for organization software – whether or not you buy into David Allen’s Getting Things Done approach   (David Allen & Co. official site) – Priacta were diligent enough to really look wide – and look hard – at a number of apps – and organized enough to follow up.

Why have they bothered?

Because Priacta provides expert task and time management training and coaching we stay abreast of the latest software to train, support, and recommend tools for clients in any environment. Our Total, Relaxed Organization (TRO) approach shares and enhances the core philosophies of David Allen’s Getting Things Done, so we research tools for all GTD-like contextual productivity (CP) systems.

For the record, 22 of the current list are entirely freeware; only a handful are over $100.

Our thanks to Priacta; we hope that some of our readers will be able to save some time and energy by capitalizing on Priacta’s research: 119 Researched GTD Software Programs and Counting.

Please let us know if you’re using any of these tools in risk management and response planning – directly or indirectly.