Tag Archives: outsourcing; electrocution; iraq; KBR; halliburton

James Risen: G.I.’s Death Prompts 2 Inquiries of Iraq Electrocutions – New York Times

James Risen reported in the NY Times of March 20th:

On Jan. 2, Staff Sgt. Ryan D. Maseth, a 24-year-old Green Beret from Pennsylvania, stepped into a shower at his base in the Radwaniyah Palace Complex in Baghdad and was electrocuted. Now, two months later, his death has resulted in both a Congressional investigation and a Pentagon inspector general’s inquiry into similar cases.

Reports of at least 12 deaths; Sgt. Maseth’s family has filed suit against KBR/Halliburton in the Pennsylvania state courts.

Thanks to laviolet at Daily Kos for pointing me to the Risen article; laviolet’s post is here; the Houston Chronicle also covered this story (I will add links when I can) .  Laviolet’s post has a number of other resources for those in search of more details.

James Risen, “G.I.’s Death Prompts 2 Inquiries of Iraq Electrocutions” New York Times, March 20, 2008.